Sunday, December 13, 2015

Final Job Interview For Picking The "On Hold" Music For Comcast

So, you've listed Kenny Loggins as a personal reference.

Yeah, we go way back.

I'm definitely a fan of his early stuff but, man, he got a little out there when he started doing the hard stuff.

Hard stuff?

Yeah.  Danger Zone.  Whew.  That one was rough.

He might have been hitting the wine coolers a little hard that month.  Think it was around the time that his dog died.

Ooo, yeah, I can see how that could drive a man to lash out a bit.

Yeah, he was in a dark place for almost a whole day.  Then he made another million dollars and bought a new dog.

Well, that's certainly an uplifting end to that story.

That dog died, too.

Oof.  He certainly doesn't have much luck with animal companions, does he?

He smashed that one in head with a golf club.

What a horrible accident.

No, it was on purpose.

I'm speechless.

It's name was Muffy.


Named after his wife's vagina.

We seem to have gotten off-track.

Sorry, I tend to ramble when I skip my pills...

It happens.

...right before I kill someone.

I'm the third manager this week.  Pretty sure you're my replacement.

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