Sunday, November 29, 2015

Colorado Vs. Planned Parenthood

Man, I really wish young women would be more responsible when they have sex.

Shoot 'em.

Abortion shouldn't be used as a form of birth control.  It's a human life we're talking about.

Fuck that, shoot 'em.

How many babies are we going to allow to be thrown into a trash can before somebody takes a stand on this?

I own one hundred machine guns for hunting rabbits.  Let's shoot 'em.

I've got a good mind to write Barack Obama an email and let him know that I think his non-chalant stance on this hot-button issue could cost him his reelection next year.

He's black, let's shoot...wait a minute.  He can't run for president.  He's already been elected twice.

Well, don't you think if he had spent less time dilly-dallying around with healthcare, college basketball brackets and smoking crack that he could have allocated more resources towards educating women on the mistake they have between their legs?

Are you familiar with the concept of "friendly fire"?

Yeah, that's the lie the terrorists came up with when they killed Pat Tillman.

Just look at the flowers.

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