Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Have you read the article in the New Yorker about the earthquake that's going to kill everybody on
the West coast?

No.  Those dickheads wrote that to make themselves feel better about planes crashing into their tourist destinations.

It's important to have five days worth of drinking water.

I have five days worth of cocaine.  

It's gonna be really big.  9.0.

I have five days worth of cocaine.

If the tremors don't force the ground to open up and chew you to pieces the tsunami will kill you twenty minutes later on.

I just busted off a few lines.  I think that I'm Jesus and I'm never going to die.  Suck my dick, please.

I can't blow you right now; I'm too busy trying pick out the right man-purse that will match my orange jumpsuit that I plan to wear for the next 100 years after the nuclear fall-out from all of the Jack-In-The-Box fryolators in King County exploding at the same time.

Reminds me: I've always wanted to make a tee shirt that read "WHAT IF IT REALLY DID SUCK ITSELF"? with an American flag font and a chick with huge tits riding a motorcycle?

Okay, I admit, I never actually read that New Yorker article.

Fuck.  This has been such a waste of cocaine.

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