Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Who's Your Favorite U.S. President?


Matt Gaetz:  They're all too old.

Clarence Thomas:  Lincoln freed me, motherfucker.

Jared From Subway:  A pardon for my hard-on and I'll be anybody's bitch.

Wilbur Ross:  Can't...talk.  Neck skin...weighing down...jaw.

Mitch McConnell:  Get it together, Wilbur.  You really look like shit.

Conan The Barbarian:  Smite all the cowardly "rulers" who have not drunken the blood of the fallen Serpent God.  #bitchkings

Chris Rock:  Trump.  [punch]  OW!  What the fuck!?!

Putin:  Keep my wife's name out yo fuckin mouth!

Lee Harvey Oswald:  JFK.  Naw, for real.  I was aiming at Ted Cruz's dad. 

Statler and Waldorf:  Biden.  He's really restored our faith in young people.